

Golfers eager for Currie Park dome to re-open

Posted 12:48 AM, Jan 07, 2016
and last updated 1:00 AM, Jan 07, 2016

There’s usually only one thing that stops golfers from playing around here – the weather.

But even in winter-- diehards find a way to swing a club at a few indoor facilities – like at Currie Park.

For now though – regulars are a little teed off, as the dome is closed due to weather damage.

Phil Levin co-owns the Golf Dome – running it under contract with the county.

So he’s as deflated as anyone about having to take down the tent for repair after last week’s vicious winds and pounding precipitation.

"At some point a storm like that wins.  You know the weight of the snow was too much for the dome to handle," Levin says.

And it ripped it.

"It eventually tore the dome in the back, yeah.  We got about an 80-foot tear in the back."

Levin’s been inundated with inquiries from folks eager to get back to hitting balls – but he wants any fixes done right so there’s no disruption again.

"I started this in 1996 and we’ve been operating for 20 years and I’m hoping to keep going.  I don’t want it to end here," he says."

Meantime – the curious are keeping tabs with impatient eyes.

There are a handful of other indoor offerings around the area – but none on par with this iconic and affordable facility.  So the sooner it’s back in business—the faster golfers can get back in the swing of things.