

Family and friends mourn the three killed in Walworth County car crash

A memorial was held at Burlington High School

Family and friends of the three young men killed in a car accident in Walworth County over the weekend gathered Tuesday night for a special time of reflection and sharing at Burlington High School.

The three victims died when their car hit a tree and burst into flames Sunday night on Cranberry Road. Hunter Morby and Jason Davis, both 17, were juniors at the high school. Landen Brown, 20, graduated in 2015.

"I love them and I'm going to miss them," said Jenna Hotvedt, a junior.

"They had a lot to live for, they really did," said Bailee Reuter, a senior.

A memorial is growing under the tree the car hit on Cranberry Road before catching fire Sunday.

"They just brought the class to life, they really did. They were best friends too," Reuter said.

Luminaries with handwritten messages lined the school track where hundreds took a memory walk.

"It's really sad to see all the people who were really close to these people and knew them and saw them every day. It's really kind of sad to see how devastated they are at this," said Jack Shenkenberg, a freshman.

The superintendent said a night like this is a big part of the healing process.

"We're trying to get to help the adolescents deal with their grief deal, deal with their learned process and their emotions," said Superintendent Peter Smet.

Tuesday was a time for those grieving to see they're not alone.

"They always brought a smile to people's faces no matter what the situation was," Hotvedt said.

"The worst part is over and as a community we can come together and move forward together," Reuter said.

Counselorswill be available for students at Burlington High School again Wednesday.