

Donate a turkey, help a family in need

The goal is to collect 2,000 turkeys
and last updated

MILWAUKEE -- The Hunger Task Force has started a big push to help feed families during the holiday season, and the organization got a lot of attention in downtown Milwaukee on Tuesday.

The Hunger Task Force mascot caught the eye of passersby in downtown Milwaukee, spreading the word about helping out, especially during the holiday season.

“It’s a great way to teach your kids about charity," said Hunger Task Force Executive Director Sherrie Tussler. "Maybe go to the store, pick up a turkey and drop it off at Hunger Task Force, or if you’re super busy you can go online at and donate a turkey online."

For the sixth year in a row, Rexnord Corporation rose to the occasion, agreeing to match every single turkey donated this month.

“Every turkey donated between now and the thanksgiving holiday, we’ll match." said Rexnord Corporation Communication Director Angela Hersil. "We really believe strongly in the mission to end hunger in Milwaukee and we believe strongly in what Hunger Task Force does."

Tuesday's efforts seem to be having the desired effect.

“I think that’s awesome. Now I can take this back to my family and friends and try to all pitch in and donate some turkeys because it’s helping people and we need to get back to helping people," said Mara Bijold from Racine. 

The goal this year is 2,000 turkeys, so families in need can enjoy a Thanksgiving meal. You can track progress with the “Turkey Ticker” online or on their sign along 94 near Miller Park.