
Dodge County boy killed in crash saves the life of Green Bay 5-year-old

Posted 2:39 AM, Mar 16, 2018
and last updated 2:13 PM, Mar 16, 2018

A child's life cut short is a nightmare no parent ever wants to consider.  But one mom says she even though her son died she has not lost him fully thanks to the gift he now shares with a little boy from Green Bay.

Right after spring break last year, a morning drive to school in Dodge County ended in tragedy. Cade Werner's brother was driving when the car drifted off the road and Cade was ejected. His parents rushed to the crash site in Rubicon.

"They flighted him to Children's and we followed him there. So he actually lived four days but had severe brain injuries," said mother Gloria Werner. 

Doctor's weren't able to save Cade but he still had a gift to give.

"He played baseball and basketball and just in the last year he started running track," said Gloria Werner.

It meant the 14-year-old had very healthy organs and a great heart. His family donated one kidney to a high school student, another kidney to a Vietnam vet, his liver and pancreas went to an unknown donor. And his heart went to 4-year-old Greyson from Green Bay.

"They were facing some of the same emotions because at first, we didn't know if Cade was going to live or not. And they didn't know if Greyson was going to live or not," said Gloria Werner.

Gloria Werner said Greyson's mother cried the day he went on the transplant list knowing a child would have to die in order for her's to live. But Gloria Werner prefers to think about the gift they now get to share.

"I can't tell you how comforting and what a blessing it is to see Cade live on through them," said Gloria Werner.

The Werner's are now hosting a baseball tournament Mother's Day weekend to raise awareness about organ donation. It is called Play 4 Cade and there are still spots available