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Cedarburg police to host training session to show what to do during active shooter situation


CEDARBURG, Wis. — What would you do in an active shooter situation? Cedarburg police are helping people answer that question with a new training session open to the public.

In the wake of tragedy in Highland Park and mass shootings across the country, the Cedarburg Police Department is working proactively.

"It's very important. The average police response time is three minutes. That's just their responding. Then you add on the initial caller, did they call right away or not, then a dispatching of the situation so a minimum of three minutes and that's just a long time to be facilitating an adversary without any protection," Captain Joe Kell said.

The department is hosting an active shooter response for civilians on Aug. 2. The goal is to make sure everyone knows what to do if the worst happens. Captain Kell says the main keys to survival include knowing your location and how to escape.

"But if you can't get out of the zone, you're going to have to fortify your position. Lock your doors and barricade. Put yourself in a blind corner," he said. "If that intruder does get into your area, then do what you have to do to protect yourself."

In downtown Cedarburg, police are praising the department's decision to offer the training.

"I think it's a good idea. It's just something that everybody should do and be aware of how you should respond to an active shooter," Andy Taylol said.

"I think it's really cool how they're doing that because people need to learn what to do and how to react to it," Katahdin Huwiler said.

Aidan McCoy, a teenager in Cedarburg, says it is unfortunate to even have to think about it.

"It's actually pretty disappointing things have to be this way in my opinion, because I don't know why we all can't just be happy and have world peace," McCoy said.

Captain Kell agrees, but hopes the free resource can save lives.

"I'm driving through town and all these young kids are just innocently playing and its just a devastating impact on communities and its just horrible. That's why we take these presentations seriously," Captain Kell said.

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