The man charged with killing the mother of Noelani Robinson appeared in court Sunday.
Thirty-four-year old Dariaz Higgins faces life in prison if convicted of the murder of Sierra Robinson. Charges have not yet been filed on the death of 2-year-old Noelani Robinson.
Higgins charged with the first-degree intentional homicide of Sierra Robinson and recklessly endangering safety.
Karl P. Hayes appeared for the State of Wisconsin.
“It is alleged that the defendant shot and killed a woman who is the victim in count one and shot the victim in count 2 multiple times. However she was able to survive her injuries and identify the defendant as the killer,” Hayes said.
The state asked for half a million dollars in bail but Commissioner David Sweet doubled that.
“With respect to bail, I’m going to be setting $1 million dollars. He has multiple missed court appearances on a misdemeanor it shows he’s not likely to appear for court bail,” Sweet said.
Besides the current charges, Higgins already had a warrant for his arrest stemming from a 2002 “resisting or obstruction an officer” case in Milwaukee where Higgins failed to appear at least 8 times.
“He has been in bench warrant status of well over 10 years,” Hayes said.
During the 10 years Higgins was convicted of additional crimes in both Minnesota and Florida.
As of now there were no charges filed in the murder of 2-year-old Noelani Robinson. Those charges depend on where the investigation finds she was killed in regards to where those charges will be filed.
Higgins will be back in court in Milwaukee on March 25th.
According to court officials, there were two individuals arrested in conjunction with the Higgins case, however those two have not been charged.