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Federal judge may rule on Trump's Wisconsin lawsuit as soon as Friday

Donald Trump, Joe Biden
Posted 3:33 PM, Dec 10, 2020
and last updated 12:56 AM, Dec 11, 2020

A federal judge in Milwaukee says he will rule on a case from the Trump campaign challenging Wisconsin's election results as soon as Friday.

On Thursday, Federal Judge Brett Ludwig heard arguments on whether or not Joe Biden’s win in Wisconsin’s presidential election should be overturned. The case, known as Trump v. The Wisconsin Elections Commission et al, was filed by President Trump's campaign.

Ludwig adds that he does not expect the case, following his decision, to be appealed.

As the case was getting underway Thursday morning, Judge Ludwig warned it would be a massive undertaking to side with President Trump.

“It’s not lost on me that this is a political case, obviously, and that the relief that’s been requested, if that relief were granted, this would be a most remarkable proceeding and probably the most remarkable ruling in the history of this court or the federal judiciary,” said Ludwig.

Federal judge may rule on Trump's Wisconsin lawsuit as soon as Friday

The defense referenced this as they made their argument that 3.3 million Wisconsin voters should not be disenfranchised by this lawsuit.

President Trump and his attorneys say Wisconsin’s 2020 presidential election was unconstitutional, and that it is not the president who is disenfranchising voters but the Wisconsin Election Commission.

“The commission disenfranchised the voters by depriving them the opportunity to participate in a valid election,” said Bill Bock, attorney for Trump.

They argued that the judge has no choice but to throw out the election results and give the Republican-controlled legislature the power to declare President Trump the winner.

“The rule of law leads to liberty. President Trump asks for the rule of law to be followed,” said Bock.

But Jeffrey Mandell, an attorney representing the defense and Gov. Tony Evers told Judge Ludwig, “What President Trump seeks here is profoundly undemocratic and unconstitutional.”

President Trump also has a lawsuit pending in Milwaukee County Court that seeks to overturn more than 200,000 ballots. It was supposed to be heard this afternoon but was delayed until Friday because the federal case took up the entire day.