VERDICT: A jury found Darrell Brooks guilty of 76 counts - including six counts of 1st-degree intentional homicide - for plowing an SUV through the Waukesha Christmas parade, killing six people and injuring dozens more last year.
Brooks faces a mandatory life sentence for each homicide count. The jury deliberated for about three hours and 15 minutes Wednesday morning before telling the court they had reached a verdict.
This live blog article will no longer be updated. Get the latest coverage here: Jury finds Darrell Brooks guilty in Waukesha parade attack trial
WAUKESHA, Wis. — Jurors have reached a verdict in the trial of Darrell Brooks, the man accused of killing six people and injuring dozens more after driving an SUV through the Waukesha Christmas parade in 2021.
Jurors reached the verdict around 9:43 a.m. after an hour of deliberation Wednesday morning, and just under two hours Tuesday night. Proceedings will resume at 10:45 a.m. for the official reading.
Prosecutors allege Brooks got into a fight with his ex-girlfriend on the streets of Waukesha as the parade was starting Nov. 21, fled in his SUV and drove it into the parade. Waukesha County District Attorney Susan Opper told the jury that she doesn't know why Brooks entered the parade other than he was enraged.
In addition to the homicide counts, he faces 61 counts of reckless endangerment. Each reckless endangerment count carries a maximum sentence of 17 1/2 years in prison.

11 a.m. update:
A jury found Darrell Brooks guilty of 76 counts - including six counts of 1st-degree intentional homicide - for plowing an SUV through the Waukesha Christmas parade, killing six people and injuring dozens more last year.
Brooks faces a mandatory life sentence for each homicide count. The jury deliberated for about three hours and 15 minutes Wednesday morning before telling the court they had reached a verdict. FULL COVERAGE: Jury finds Darrell Brooks guilty in Waukesha parade attack trial
9:43 a.m.
The jury reached a verdict in the trial of Darrell Brooks at 9:43 a.m. Court will reconvene at 10:45 a.m. for the reading.
9 a.m. update:
Judge Dorow has left the bench and gone to her office while the jury deliberates.
Before walking out she said she was not going to delay proceedings.
"Right now the record is speculative and there are not facts to support a mistrial or discharging the jury."
8:45 a.m. update:
Brooks is requesting the court look into a mistrial due to the Reddit post from someone claiming to be a juror.
He said he spent some time in the law library last night and is citing cases to back up a precedent for a mistrial.
Judge Dorow asked Brooks what he's asking for, specifically. He said a mistrial or at the very least, a discharge of the jury.
"This is alarming, to say the least. This post, and I don't know what Reddit is, to be honest. I've never heard of it and used it," Brooks said.
The state said the poster updated the post last night to say it was a prank, and only the original poster can make modifications. The jurors did not have any electronic devices last night so they could not have been the ones to make the post.
The state says this issue is pretty much put to rest. Brooks disagrees.
8:30 a.m. update:
Darrell Brooks showed up in court Wednesday in jail orange, which he hasn't done since week one. Another change, Judge Dorow appeared without her glasses.
Both the state and Brooks delivered closing arguments on Tuesday. Judge Jennifer Dorow gave jury instructions for deliberation and the jury was later sequestered for nearly two hours.
While the jury was sequestered, Judge Dorow returned to court to discuss concerns about the integrity of proceedings. Dorow's clerk received an email about an anonymous Reddit post from a user claiming to be a member of the jury.
The Waukesha County District Attorney also received a similar email.
The person who made the post said they think Brooks is guilty but said he has not had a fair trial. The poster was sympathetic toward Brooks.
The state questioned the veracity of the post, saying some of the comments are not true.
Brooks claimed to have no involvement in the post, and Judge Dorow said she is leaving the post in the hands of law enforcement. As of Wednesday morning, Reddit had taken the post down.
Proceedings ended around 8:15 p.m. Tuesday when the jury announced it would like to be done for the evening. They will be sequestered in a hotel until proceedings resume on Wednesday.