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5 meals that are quicker, easier than eating out

Posted 8:07 PM, Jan 04, 2016
and last updated 8:15 PM, Jan 04, 2016

In light of the holiday season, some of us may find our budgets are a tad tighter than usual. Eating out is one area you can cut back on to slash spending, and you don’t have to sacrifice good food or slave over a hot stove for hours to do so.

Here are a few quick and easy dinner ideas that take less time to prepare than waiting on your food at a restaurant—and they’re probably tastier and healthier, too!

Check out the weekly sales at your local grocer, to help inspire your nightly meal (and satisfy your wallets craving to save money).

Baked spaghetti and meatballs
If you can boil noodles and use a microwave, this one may just be a new family favorite for busy nights. For a tasty twist on this traditional Italian dish, microwave a dozen or so fully-cooked Italian style meatballs, and combine with your preferred sauce and spaghetti noodles in a 9 x 13 inch baking dish. If you’re feeling adventurous, make your own delicious, 10-minute marinara sauce for a fresher meal. Top the spaghetti with a generous amount of shredded mozzarella, and bake in the oven at 350° for about 20 minutes until the cheese is hot and bubbly. Put together a salad while the spaghetti bakes, and you’ll have a hearty, classic meal in less time than it would take to get a table at Olive Garden.

Get our four other meal ideas in the original article on