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Opera is coming to Summerfest

Posted 12:21 PM, Jun 24, 2019
and last updated 3:12 PM, Jun 24, 2019

MILWAUKEE — All kinds of music comes to Summerfest. Did you ever expect to hear... opera?!

Opera singers with Florentine Opera want to capture your ears with familiar music at Johnson Controls World Sound Stage.

Soprano Olivia Doig is excited to share a cultural experience to a different audience, adding, "We are taught to project with the posture we use and we use our breath to be able to project over an orchestra without any microphones which is really special."

She explains their techniques to sing may not be much different from your favorite singer, "Singers in all the genres are using the same technical tools to provide stamina and longevity."

Nathaniel Catasca says there are many rituals they stick with, to keep their voices in top shape, "We try not to talk a lot throughout the day in general especially at night the night before the performance I try to keep it a little quieter and calmer," he explained, "Opera has a lot of layers that I don't find in a lot of other genres where the most advanced person in opera can."

Don't expect Florentine Opera singers to perform in suits and gowns, they are dressing up as rock stars. Catch them Sunday, July 7 at 2:00 p.m. on the Johnson Controls World Stage.

Click here to learn more about Florentine Opera.