Delaney Brey has participated in sports all her life. When it came to deciding a career she knew she wanted to work in sports and make a difference. That’s when Delaney figured out she was meant to be a sports anchor.
Delaney graduated, in three years, from Lynn University with a degree in Multimedia Journalism and a minor in Advertising/PR.
After playing a year of collegiate softball, Delaney traded her cleats for a chance to take full advantage of the opportunities geared toward fulfilling her dreams. She has interned at multiple places including PBS, Palm Beach Illustrated, ESPN West Palm, and ESPN X-Games.
Before coming to TMJ4, she worked for KLTV in Tyler, Texas. There, she co-hosted the number one high school football show in the region, "The RedZone." Delaney has also had the pleasure of interviewing Kansas City Quarterback Patrick Mahome as well as East Texas' most elite athletes, such as Washington Redskins' Trent Williams and Cleveland Indians pitcher Josh Tomlin.
While you'll never catch her complaining about covering the Packers, Brewers, or Bucks, Delaney's heart lies with high school and college sports. She loves covering Wisconsin's younger talent and sharing their stories.
When Delaney isn't on the clock, she enjoys reading a variety of books and exercising with her dog – Buster Posey.
Drop Delaney an idea for a sports story at Delaney.Brey@tmj4.com