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New Berlin couple working to expand a unique Hindu temple


NEW BERLIN — A unique Hindu temple in New Berlin is growing. We go inside the Sri Lakshmi Narasimha Temple to see how it is expanding.

Krish Narayanan, president and founder of Sri Lakshmi Narasimha Temple in New Berlin.

“Our temple belongs in Hindu faith. Hinduism,” said Krish Narayanan, president and founder of Sri Lakshmi Narasimha Temple. “It is focused on only one God. In Hinduism there is several Gods people worship. Our temple is focused on only one God named Lord Vishnu and s dedicated to Lakshmi Narasimha as a deity."

Jayashree (left) and Krish Narayanan founded the temple in 2013.

Krish Narayanan and his wife, Jayashree Narayanan, who also founded the temple, believe this is the only one in the U.S. dedicated to Lakshmi Narasimha. People all across the country contact them from California, New York and North Carolina to pray on their behalf. Though most of the regular visitors come from the Chicago suburbs and the Milwaukee area to pray.

The Sri Lakshmi Narasimha Temple at 3705 Swartz Road, New Berlin. The front area is the foundation for the expansion.

"What we do is prepare the Puja. We call it Puja, many prayers. I prepared myself and do the process here and holy water and we offer food and fruits to Lord,” said Krish Narayanan.

"There are a thousand names describing Lord Vishnu. They chant that. It takes about 20 minutes,” said Jayashree Narayanan, founder of "Those 20 minutes you forget everything. All your parts are focused on one thing."

Granite statue made in India for the shrine in the expansion.

Krish Narayanan and his wife began expanding the New Berlin temple two years ago. They are working on completing the shrine to Lord Narasimha and his families.

Granite statue made in India ready to be installed in the expanded temple.

“This is our passion to do this,” said Krish Narayanan.

The statues have already been created in India and are now here waiting to go in the expansion.

Krish Narayanan reading a prayer in the temple

"We feel we have been blessed and we have to do something back to our religion and this would be the end of it. We have dedicated all our resources to build this temple, dedicate this temple,” said Krish Narayanan.

Krish Narayanan inside the Sri Lakshmi Narasimha Temple in New Berlin.

This expansion should complete the worshipping space and finish the temple. It should all be done by July of 2025. The temple is still working to pay for the expansion and if you are interested in learning more and how to help click here.

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