

Man convicted of attempted rape: 'I am a victim'

Posted 4:22 AM, Dec 23, 2015

MILWAUKEE -- A Milwaukee man will spent the next four decades behind bars.

He was convicted of kidnapping, beating and trying to rape a woman in a Riverwest park - but he says the court owes him an apology.

"I am a victim," says Derrick Brown. "What is happening to me is heinous."


Brown interrupted the court multiple times, at one point yelling "screw you" at the judge.

As he was led out of the courtroom, he called the system crooked.

On December 12, 2014, Brown was found guilty of pointing a gun at a 25-year-old woman walking near a park. That gun turned out to be fake, but he told her he would shoot her.

He told her to take off her pants. She yelled for help and he beat her. Brown broke bones in her face, knocked out teeth and dislocated her shoulder. The woman is still undergoing surgeries from her attack. But the judge calls her strong because of what she wrote to the court.

"She wants you not to hurt anyone else," reads Judge Timothy Dugan. "Then she wants you to heal and she's forgiven you."

The judge called Brown a danger to the community. He sentenced him to 44.5 years in prison.