A Sun Prairie church is closing its doors this weekend after police say a suspicious person walked in Thursday and asked unusual questions. It’s the latest possible development in the national manhunt for Joseph Jakubowski. a Janesville man considered armed and dangerous.
Sun Prairie police said a man with a similar description of Jakubowski entered Bethlehem Lutheran Church and asked about services and their practices of turning people away.
“I thought it feels nice to be in a neighborhood with a church across the street and then to hear something like that might be going on is pretty concerning,” said Steve Jennings.
Jennings lives across the street from the church that’s now part of the federal investigation involving Jakubowski.
“It doesn’t really make sense why he would go in a church,” Jennings said.
A witness inside the church told police that a white man in his late 20s to early 30s with a scruffy goatee entered and asked odd questions. Sun Prairie Spokesman Joseph Hack said it’s a description that possibly fits a wanted man.
“Just through the similarities as to what Janesville had in their case that they’re working right now,” he said.
Hack said the suspicious man was wearing a green baseball cap and a dark green coat. He took off in a silver sedan with a missing front driver’s side hubcap.
“By the time we got to the area the individual was already gone from the area,” said Hack.
Hack said the department has extra officers out patrolling areas of worship. Police ask residents to also be aware of their surroundings.
“There’s not really much we can do other than to stay alert,” said Jennings.
Police said if you see Jakubowski, do not approach, just call 911.