

Gov. Scott Walker to join White House on healthcare legislation

"The [ACA] is collapsing"
and last updated

Gov. Scott Walker will join a conference call Tuesday with other governors and the White House about the new GOP backed American Health Care Act (AHCA).

The governor announced this after speaking to the members of the Milwaukee Rotary Club at the War Memorial Tuesday afternoon. He used the event to highlight his executive budget, but opened up for questions from the audience.

The first question was about the AHCA. An audience member asked what the governor would change about the plan if he were the Health and Human Services Secretary. Walker didn't offer specifics but said, "Is it perfect? No there is room for improvement for sure but the Affordable Care Act is collapsing."

Walker says he hasn't read the entire Congressional Budget Office (CBO) report and the new health care plan. The CBO estimates 24 million people will be without insurance by 2026. The governor said he believes much of cost reductions will come from the federal government's reduced commitment to Medicaid which was expanded under the Affordable Care Act.

"We didn't expand so we're largely protected from that," Walker said.

The non-profit Kaiser Family Foundation has offered this interactive map of the Tax Credits available under the two plans. Find your area.

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