

DOT adds more wrong-way detection devices

Posted 10:56 PM, Dec 22, 2016
and last updated 11:11 PM, Dec 22, 2016

In 2012 the Wisconsin Department of Transportation installed several wrong-way driving detection devices. This fall they added 12 more.

"We like to think that we've made a positive impact," said Michael Pyritz with the Wisconsin Department of Transportation.

New flashing signage has been added to the radar-based devices.  It's all in hopes to alert the wrong way driver and warn law enforcement.

Shawn Warner represents Kathleen Matthews.  She and her two kids were seriously injured in a wrong way crash on I-43 back in June.  Warner told TODAY'S TMJ4 via Skype that he is all for more devices.

"My take on it is anything they add that can add to the safety to the public is a good thing...It has to make it safer because it doesn't take anything away, it adds a safety precaution without taking anything away and I think that's important...Clearly that gives you a quicker response time for emergency personnel that you can get an ambulance there quicker, that you can get a police car there quicker," said Warner.

Wisconsin DOT says the devices were added to are's where on and off-ramps are close together.

"The more we can do to help prevent something like that from occurring the better off everybody is, the safer our roadways will be because unfortunately when you have a head on head collision usually it's a very tragic result," said Pyritz.

The new devices were added at the intersections below.

  • I-41 894 US 45 NB at Beloit Rd
  • I-41 894 US 45 NB at National Ave
  • I-41 US 45 SB at STH 190 Capitol Drive
  • I-43 NB at Green Bay Rd and Capitol
  • I-43 NB at Silver Spring Port Washington Road
  • I-94 NB at Howard Ave
  • I-94 NB at Walker Ramps
  • I-94 SB at Mineral Ramps East - (6th St)
  • I-94 SB at Mineral Ramps West - (9th St)
  • WIS 145 FDL Ave at 107th St
  • WIS 145 FDL Ave at 91st St 

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